29. - 30. april 2014
Hotel Hesselet
Coding in Delphi
Nick Hodges
Nick Hodges has been a part of the Delphi community from the very
beginning. He is an original Delphi 1 beta tester, a former member of
TeamB, an Advisory Board member for the annual Borland Conference, a
frequent conference speaker, a blogger and author of numerous articles
on a wide range of Delphi topics.
Nick has a BA in Classical Languages from Carleton College and an MS in
Information Technology Management from the Naval Postgraduate School.
In his career he has been a busboy, a cook, a caddie, a telemarketer
(for which he apologizes), an Office Manager, a high school teacher, a
Naval Intelligence officer, a software developer, a product manager, and
a software development manager. In addition, he is a former Delphi
Product Manager and Delphi R&D Team Manager. He lives with his
family in Gilbertsville, PA.
Dette forårs Workshop
kommer til at handle om nogle forskellige udviklingsparadigmer, alt
sammen med Delphi som omdrejningspunkt. Samt nogle specifikke Delphi
ting som livebinding i Firemonkey, RTTI og hands on med DUnitX til test
af sine Delphi projekter.
Alle tilmeldte til Dapug Workshop forår
2014 vil omkring 1. april modtage Nick Hodges
eBog "Coding
in Delphi" vederlagsfrit.
Der er afsat noget tid tirsdag formiddag til, at gennemgå udvalgte emner
fra bogen. Det er en rigtig god ide, at læse bogen, og de steder man
synes godt kunne bære lidt mere gennemgang noterer man ned på følgende
Det er selvfølgelig ikke alle emner der bliver gennemgået, men vi kan få
et indblik over hvor det halter.
- Program
08:00 Arrival and setup
09:30 Welcome to Nick Hodges
09:40 Coding In Delphi: Nick will go through his newly published
book “Coding in Delphi” with concentration on topics the attendees
want. It will be possible to send questions to Nick before the
11:05 Live bindings
- Basics
- Data binding in Firemonkey
- Expression evaluator
12:00 LUNCH
13:00 MVVM – Model-View-ViewModel
MVVM is a design pattern that separates concerns to enable modular,
testable code and loosely-coupled user interfaces.
• Introduction to MVVM -- in this section, we’ll examine a simple
MVVM application that illustrates the principles of an MVVM. We’ll
build an application from the ground up using the MVVM pattern to
illustrate how the process works.
• Advanced MVVM -- In this section, we’ll add Live Bindings,
actions, and persistence to the MVVM application.
15:00 The “New” RTTI
Run-time Type Information (RTTI) is information about a class that
the compiler gathers and attaches to a class at compile time. That
information is then retrievable and modifiable by the developer at
run-time -- hence the name. At compile time, the compiler attaches
information -- metadata -- about a given class to the class itself
for retrieval and examination at runtime.
Delphi has had RTTI since Delphi 1.0. It is the old RTTI that lets
the Object Inspector get and set property values in the Form
Designer. However, the old RTTI system was not based on classes and
was a bit cumbersome to use. The old RTTI system only stored
information about `published` values.
Delphi 2010 introduced a very powerful new version of RTTI (found
appropriately enough in the `RTTI.pas` unit) that provides run-time
access to a class’s fields, properties, and methods as well as the
parameters of those methods.
In addition, the new RTTI means that you can attach your own runtime
information to classes via attributes.
With RTTI, you can do the following:
• Gather information about the fields, properties, and methods of a
type, including the parameters of those methods.
• Get and set values for fields and properties
• Invoke any method, including passing values for any number of
parameters, and returning values for functions.
16:30 Wrapup of Tuesday, and a word from Flemming Jensen from Nohau
18:30 Drinks before dinner in Tranquebar
19:00 DINNER
Wednesday Day 2
9:00 Catchup from yesterday.
If there were any unanswered questions from yesterday, we’ll get
them answered now.
10:00 Design Patterns
• Observer Pattern
• Decorator Pattern
• Factory Pattern
• Command Pattern
• Adapter Pattern
Nick will go through some design patterns explain the hows and whys.
10:45 Design patterns continued
12:00 LUNCH
13:00 Aspect Oriented Programming
In this session Nick will give a good and thorough introduction to
Aspect Oriented Programming
14:30 DUnitX
DUnitX is the new unit testing framework for Delphi that utilizes
attributes to declare tests and test fixtures.
16:00 Wrapup and evaluation
- Prisen for WorkShop incl. overnatning på
hotel og alle måltider er: kr. 5.400
Hvis du eller dit firma
ikke er medlemmer af DAPUG er prisen kr. 6.200,-
- Ekstra overnatning fra 28. april koster ca. kr. 1150,-
- OBS: Hvis beløbet er
indbetalt på regnr. 1551 konto. 4 76 67 76
inden 25. april er prisen kr. 4.900 (kr. 5.700 hvis man ikke er
Allersidste frist for tilmelding er 14. marts 2014