Database Application Programmers Users Group (Danish Embarcadero User Group)


WORKSHOP 22. - 23. oktober 2013

Hotel Hesselet

FireDAC, Mobile Development, and Delphi Tips and Tricks with Marco Cantù and Cary Jensen


From 2009 through 2012, Delphi experts Marco Cantù and Cary Jensen joined forces to present their annual Delphi Developer Days tours. In November of 2012 Marco joined Embarcadero Technologies to become the Delphi's Product Manager, and Bob Swart (Dr.Bob) has teamed with Cary to fill Marco's role in Delphi Developer Days.





This DAPUG Workshop brings Cary and Marco back together for a command performance where they will discuss some of Delphi's newest technologies, including data access with FireDAC, multitier architectures, and mobile development. They will conclude with their popular Delphi Tips, Tricks, and Techniques presentation followed by "Meet the Delphi Product Manager." This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see the original "Delphi Dream Team" in action again.

  • Program


    08:00 Arrival and setup

    09:30 Welcome to Cary Jensen and Marco Cantù

    09:40 FireDAC: Delphi's Preferred Data Access Framework

    Delphi has a new data access framework, and Cary and Marco will discuss the features and advantages this powerful data access mechanism

    10:50 COFFEE BREAK

    11:05 FireDAC Hands-on Workshop

    12:00 LUNCH

    13:00 Multitier Fun with DataSnap

    There is no better time than immediately after lunch to dive into the realm of multitier architecture with DataSnap. In this session Marco and Cary will explain the ins and outs of DataSnap, and how you can use it to provide data across a wide range of platforms and devices.

    14:45 COFFEE BREAK

    15:00 DataSnap Hands-on Workshop

    16:30 Wrapup of Tuesday, and a word from Flemming Jensen from Nohau

    18:30 Drinks before dinner in Tranquebar

    19:00 DINNER

    Wednesday Day 2

    9:00 Mobile Development with Delphi

    Marco and Cary will show you how to leverage your Delphi skills to bring applications to the mobile platforms. Topics covered include compiler considerations, deployment options, data access, the FireMonkey component library, and much more.

    10:30 COFFEE BREAK

    10:45 Mobile Hands-on Workshop

    12:00 LUNCH

    13:00 Delphi Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

    Cary and Marco's Delphi Tips, Tricks, and Techniques sessions where a highlight of Delphi Developer Days. In this session, Marco and Cary share some of their favorite tricks, along with a few new ones.

    14:15 COFFEE BREAK

    14:30 Delphi Tips, Tricks, and Techniques Continued

    Why stop when you're having fun? Cary and Marco keep the hits rolling with more tips, tricks, and techniques.

    15:30 Wrapup and evaluation

    16:00 Meet the Delphi Product Manager: One-on-one with Marco Cantù

  • Prisen for WorkShop incl. overnatning på hotel og alle måltider er:
    kr. 4.900,-
  • Hvis du eller dit firma ikke er medlemmer af DAPUG er prisen kr. 5.700,-
  • Ekstra overnatning fra 21. oktober koster ca. kr. 1130,-
  • OBS: Hvis beløbet er indbetalt på regnr. 1551 konto. 4 76 67 76 inden 11. oktober
    krediteres kr. 200 på næste opkrævning af medlemskontingentet.

  • Allersidste frist for tilmelding er 9. september 2013
  • Der er begrænset antal pladser, og denne Workshop der er run på, så vent ikke med at tilmelde dig.
  • Tilmelding